Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wk3-2 DB Quickies: Difficulties starting new programs/breaking the norm

Topic #2: Why do you think educators are so resistant to change, especially when it comes to technology? How do other institutions, such as business, deal with technological change?

I believe educators become so resistant to change is because they don’t want to have to learn yet another program just to have it put by the waist side of all the previous ones implemented by the district. Many times we are asked to use a program in our curriculum and then before it has really been given a fair chance to see if it works or has made a different in the lives of the students and or educators, the district comes in and either scrap it or add yet another component.

Another reason I believe teachers have a hard time with change is simply because it takes them out of their comfort zone. Instead of feeling empowered, they feel like the student who doesn’t understand the concept and is destine for failure. It’s more of not being in control of what you know or have learned in the past to help insure success with the new program. Learning a new technology program is always scary even for us techies.

Concerning businesses implementation of new technology, they just do it. If your not on board with the new changes and programs within the organization, then begin to update your resume.

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